Dental emergencies are something that will likely happen to most people during their lifetime. These may be due to broken teeth, loss of teeth during an accident or illnesses such as infections. Unfortunately, many people do not know what to do when emergency dental issues happen. Here are a few things you should know about handling your dental emergencies and how to get treatment as soon as possible.
Hospital Visits
One of the first things you may want to do when you have dental emergencies is go to a hospital. There are some emergency rooms that will see you depending on the dental issue. For example, if you have an emergency that is based on infection in the tooth or jaw, they can help. Antibiotics will likely be given for the infection. You may also get medication for the swelling as well. Issues such as a chipped tooth, lost filling or root canals will be referred to a dental care center.
After Hours Care
You may think that you can simply go to an after hours dental care for dental emergencies. You will need to check with your dentist to find out if they offer an after hours care option. You will also need to confirm what services are offered during the after hours clinic to confirm that your emergency can be seen. Many dentists will give you a list of their after hours clinic times, location, and services for your reference. When an emergency happens, you will know if they can help or not.
Referral Care
One of the key points you need to know about dental emergencies is referral care. For example, if you visit an after hours care or hospital for emergency oral care, they may give you a temporary treatment. This can be for pain, reduce swelling or reduce infection. With this medication they will likely give you a referral for further dental work including oral surgery. You will need to follow through with this referral in order to have your dental emergency taken care of.
If you have a dental emergency, make sure to contact the after hours line for your dentist first. This can save you time and help to get you to the right emergency care option sooner. If you can't reach them, begin moving forward with your options for a dental emergency clinic or emergency room. Remember to bring your insurance card for insurance verification.